• CHAPTER TEN: Created to Overcome. It is in your nature to overcome; you wer born to lovercome.
  • CHAPTER NINE: Power and Authority. You have been given delegated authority to overcome all the power of the enemy.
  • CHAPTER TEN: Created to Overcome. It is in your nature to overcome; you were born to overcome.
  • CHAPTER SEVEN: Covered in Righteousness. Right now you are righteous; the righteousness of Jesus covers you.
  • CHAPTER FIVE: Completely Forgiven. The real you forgives; the real you is forgiven.
  • CHAPTER SIX: A Healed and Restored Heart. As the emotional wounds in your heart are healed, your real identity becomes more fully formed.
  • CHAPTER FOUR: Totally Accepted and Highly Valued. You are the pearl of great price for whom Jesus gave everything.
  • CHAPTER THREE: Transformed into His Likeness with Linda Breitman. Like a butterfly, an inner metamorphosis is taking place within you.
  • CHAPTER TWO: Your New Identity Even Jesus was challenged on His identity; He overcame by declaring the Word. STUDY GROUPS: play this video at the BEGINNING of your third gathering. Ask what impacted them about the video. Chapter Two has been the assignment for the past week.
  • CHAPTER ONE: Align Your Thoughts with Heaven. Partner with God to triumph in the battle for your thought life. STUDY GROUPS: play this video at the BEGINNING of your second gathering. Groups should have been reading Chapter One over the past week, doing the activations and posturing. Play the video at the beginning of the meeting then ask your group what impacted them about the video teaching. There is room in the Activation Manual for Notes.
  • Video One: How We Lost Our Identity lays the foundation for the entire study. You will begin the study with this video. First, read "Begin Your Transformation Here" in the ACTIVATION MANUAL. The manual will tell you when to play the video. If you do not have the workbook, play the video before starting the book.

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