2019-12-31T14:51:12-08:00Categories: Identity, Purpose|

Hello and welcome. It has been a few months. Sometimes in life you need to listen to your body and know when it is time to take a break. And so, I took one. This little pause was just what I needed to reset. I am so happy to be back and glad you are here. After listening to the show please take a moment to look around the new podcast website and visit all the new links in the episode show notes below. In this episode I am talking about the single woman and why we must ask ourselves

38: Insight into Your Core Problem

2019-12-31T13:25:16-08:00Categories: Identity|

Very likely there is a well-hidden place deep inside your heart that holds you back. You think it keeps you safe, but it does not. In reality, it keeps you separated. This disconnect is so tricky, you may not even be conscious of it. It will keep you from moving forward and finding success in your business, your personal relationships, your goals, and your dreams.

37: Belonging

2019-12-31T12:49:29-08:00Categories: Identity|

Where do you feel you …Belong? Most never truly feel at home. Anywhere. This is how a person with an orphan spirit feels. Afraid to trust. Afraid of rejection. Afraid to open your heart to give and receive love. Only a profound experiential revelation of Father God’s love can displace an orphan spirit.

29: Your Miraculous Identity

2019-12-31T13:25:50-08:00Categories: Identity, Miraculous Identity|

My new book, Miraculous Identity is now on Amazon! Living in your Miraculous Identity is to live in greater freedom. Reaching freedom can be helped or hindered by the inner hidden journey going on inside your heart and mind right now. What you think and believe about yourself is a direct reflection of the state of your identity. The key component of your real, God-given, miraculous identity is the invitation to come into a deeper revelation of intimacy with God. In this podcast, I’ll share some of my story of personal challenges and how I found my Miraculous Identity.

3: Your New Identity

2019-12-31T13:40:13-08:00Categories: Identity|

Everything we say and do is influenced by how we see ourselves. That’s identity—how we see ourselves. Linda Breitman describes how we can see ourselves according to the standards of the world or align ourselves with how God sees us. But how do we do this—get aligned?

Trials That Transform You

2017-05-28T02:24:36-07:00Categories: Identity|

I know what you're thinking:  Linda Breitman! Where have you been? I need to tell you I've been in a fiery trial. And I had to take a long, unexpected time out. A giant came out of nowhere, and I had to fight it. Breast cancer.  Up until a few years ago, I routinely prayed for cancer patients. For nearly 8 years, I was the "in office chaplain" at an integrative medical clinic where the patients received insulin potentiation therapy (low dose chemo IVs) and high dose Vitamin C IVs for the treatment of cancer. Both modalities are non-traditional and

Enter In Like a Child!

2017-05-28T02:27:44-07:00Categories: Identity|

Behold! Look! I shall do a new thing, and I am doing it in YOU! Shall you not know it? Recognize it? Enter into it? Experience it? With Me? Yes, you will see a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. I am spontaneous and unpredictable. I am moving you to higher ground. I will show you how to look through My eyes. Willingness and childlikeness are keys. A child will see a river in the desert where it doesn’t belong. So break out of the shell you have put yourself in. Let go of those things that

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