
Dangerous Women Arise!

Saturday November 15  

10 am – 12 pm

Oceanside location to be announced

Shattering the Glass Ceiling Over Women in the Church!

I love that title. (A book authored by Danny Silk)

WOMEN OF SAN DIEGO, listen to my cry: Knowing your identity as a woman brings a breaker anointing, a shattering of limitation, and an increase of the supernatural! 

Training will include:

  • How the Tree of Life Reveals your Identity as a Woman
  • Shattering Identity Lies from the Wrong Tree
  • Stepping Into the Supernatural YOU!

Bring your copies of The Real You book and Activation ManualI will be referring to them to show you how a woman’s identity fits in to knowing and believing the REAL YOU. The books will be available at the gathering or you can order copies here:

I see women on launching pads, ready to be launched into their next level of ministry!

I want to keep this on the smaller more intimate side, so SPACE IS LIMITED!  Email me with the following info and I will get back to you with the location. There is no chargelove offering only.




* Phone:

* Church Affiliate:

* What do you do ministry-wise: (This can be anything from running a household to pastoring a church.)

*In what area are you strongest in your Identity in Christ? 

*Where do you need strengthening in your Identity in Christ?

* Tell me about yourself:

Email to: