If I could crawl inside your mind for 24 hours, would I have a good day?
Imagine someone hearing your personal thoughts—I mean, what you really think about yourself. Yikes! Partly good but mostly horrifying! The real war is right between your ears. But it is a war you can win.
The mind is a war zone where negative and positive thoughts battle it out for supremacy.
For years, I fought this war. Like most, I wrestled with my identity. The only way out was to discover how God, Himself sees me. I went to—yes, I’m going to say it!—the Bible!
I learned key verses on how heaven sees me. It felt like sunlight pouring into my whole being when I began saying the verses out loud. Over time, I was winning the war between my ears by renewing my mind. But I had to do it on purpose.
After a lot of transformation, I began speaking at conferences on true identity. So many people wrestled with limiting and negative mindsets. My goal was to provide tools for people to re-wire their thinking with a new God-perspective. The book evolved naturally. I created The Real You – Believing Your True Identity as a complete study with a book, workbook and DVDs.
When I finished writing The Real You, I knew Graham Cooke was the perfect person to write the foreword. And he did. Most of his work centers on identity with understanding the “old man” is dead—so why keep trying to resurrect him! Graham wrote a very long and stunning foreword.
“Learn to examine the issues of life in the context of what God wants to be for you in this moment. This is where Linda’s book is so valuable. The Real You provides us with valuable keys that in empower us to discover the mind of the Lord.”
– Graham Cooke
What you think, how you see yourself, and how you perceive God affects everything you do and say. Your relationships, your successes, your health, your attitude toward your future. Everything!!!
You can find The Real You on my website: www.lindabreitman.com. Read the first chapter for free and see if it is a fit for you. The study has been implemented in ministry schools and churches around the country. And remember: When heaven looks at you—you look amazing!